Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Manager-mentor VS Dumb boss

Webster define the word boss as:
Etymology: Dutch baas master
Date: 1653
1 : a person who exercises control or authority; specifically : one who directs or supervises workers

I have been working for more than 20 years and have held various positions in different companies in different countries. But I never had a good boss. I guess because in my opinion the word boss is not equal to manager or coach. To me, the word boss is derogatory.

Don't get me wrong, I have been fortunate enough to work under excellent managers-mentors from whom I learned a lot. To me, a great manager-mentor is someone who will help me learn and grow in the job, encourages my development both as an employee and as a person, recognizes my contributions, abilities and capabilities, treats me as a colleague and gives me plenty of room to do my work the best way I could.

Years ago, I used to work as an IT specialist for an industry association. I reported directly to the general manager. One of my duties was to create the materials for his presentation for the two monthly committee meetings that he always attended. He would call me into his office, tells me what he needs and when he needs it. And then he leaves alone while I am working at it. How I do my job was all up to me as long as I do what he expects and deliver it in a timely manner. The presentations I created were always colorful, comprehensive and easy to read. I always made him look good among his peers in the industry. After each meeting, he would come to me and thanked me for a job well done.

About a year ago, I had the opportunity to work with the best manager I ever met since I joined the company that I am working for right now. She valued me as a person and not just a a cog on a gear. She treated me in such a way that I felt good about what I do and take pride and ownership in it. She constantly encouraged me to do better each day, even on the days that I failed to meet job expectations. She would always say that tomorrow is another day to do better than yesterday. She went above and beyond in helping me grow. She was the best coach I've ever had. She led by example and was never bossy. And even though we no longer work together, we remained dear friends.

I also worked in the electronics department of a retail store for two years, where I was fortunate to work under an excellent coach-manager. And oh I love that guy, not because he is a tall and good looking, but because of who he is. At that time, I was the only female sales rep, so he took me aside and told me to report to him right away if any of my co-workers are harassing me. Wow! I found in him a guardian-protector too. At the end of each month, he calls us one-by-one in his office for a performance review. He will point out to me what I did best and commended me for it. And then he showed me where I need to improve and showed me how I can do better. There was no single costumer or work related issue that I brought to his attention that he did not resolve in a timely manner. What an amazing guy!

How I wish all managers-mentors are like those examples I mentioned above. Unfortunately, I have to deal with dumb and stupid bosses most of the time.

Dumb bosses thought that because their business cards have the title "manager" in it, that they automatically must receive respect from their subordinates. How dumb and stupid that notion is! What made them think that they are entitled to it just because someone as stupid as they are bestowed upon them the title of "manager"? Respect is earned and cannot be demanded. You are either worthy of it otherwise you will never get it.

Dumb bosses exercises control over their subordinates by cracking whips on them. Their way of getting results includes threats, pressures and punishments. They don't see their subordinates as people with feelings, thoughts and opinions. To them the only thing that matters is what they can get out of each employee under their control. For them, to show compassion towards their subordinates is a sign of weakness.

They are so stupid that their subordinates know more about the job than them. They are just lucky to have knowledgeable employees as their subordinates. They are incapable of giving encouragement and would demand that their employees to go to work even if they are sick with communicable diseases.

They got promoted by kissing asses, licking feet and sucking whatever they can suck on. And that is exactly what they expect from their subordinates. How I wish there is a way to round up all dumb bosses and ship them out to the war zones and let them get blown up into pieces. My fear is that they may multiply into thousands of dumb bosses.

If there is a way to clone the best manager-mentors, I would get their DNA samples and reproduce millions of them. And if there is a vaccine against dumb-bosses I would inoculate them all so they can be eradicated.

To all the dumb bosses out there I dedicate the song "I Pray For You
" by Jason and the long road to love.

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